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( اسئلة IQ ) عايز تقدم لأبنك في مدرسة stem وعايز تجهزه لاختبار القدرات ممكن الاسئله دي تساعدك حاول تحل و دور علي الاجابات

IQ test | نظرية الذكاءات المتعددة

01014330920سفير التفوق 
English P.1 

االمتحان الشامل الثاني بكورس سفير التفوق حاول اإلجابة علي كل الاسئلة وعدم ترك سؤال دون إجابة بكراسة اإلجابة 
1- A dog is bigger than a mouse, but smaller than an elephant

a ) A dog is smaller than a mouse
 b ) A dog is very big.
 c ) A dog is the biggest.
 d ) An elephant is bigger than a dog 

2- - Sangay is English but Teresa isn't ; she's American.

a ) Teresa is English.
 b ) Sangay isn't English.
 c ) Sangay isn't American.
 d ) Teresa and Sangay aren't English.

3- He is the oldest man in the world.

a ) He is not as old as my grandmother. 
b ) Many men are older.
c ) There are no older men anywhere.
d ) He's older than some other men.  

4- You can't come without a ticket.

a ) You can come if you have a ticket. 
b ) You mustn't go with a ticket. 
c ) You don't need a ticket to come. 
d ) You cannot buy a ticket outside.

 5- Andrea is looking after the children. 

a ) She can see the children. 
b ) She is taking care of the children. 
c ) She is looking at the children. 
d ) The children are in front of her.

 6- They only have one car for the family. 

a ) They only like cars. 
b ) They do not like any other cars. 
c ) They do not have two cars. 
d ) They have a big family.

 7- What does Vonica like?

a ) What are her favourite things? 
b ) How is she?
c ) Does she look like Vonica?
d ) Does he like Vonica?

 8- He hopes to go home, but he may go to work.

a ) He'll be at home before the office. 
b ) It is possible that he will go to work.
c ) He's allowed to go to work. 
d ) He always goes home after work.

 9- I want you to clean the car when you come back.

a ) You want to clean it.
b ) We will clean it together. 
c ) I don't want you to forget to clean it.
d ) I want to clean the car.

10- She used to smoke cigarettes.

 a ) She is used to cigarettes.
 b ) She smoked before, but she doesn't now.
 c ) She usually smokes cigarettes.
 d ) She used two cigarettes.

 11- Shall I take you to the station?

 a ) Would you like me to take you to the station
 b ) Must I take you?
 c ) Will it be necessary to take you there?
 d ) Did I take you before?

 12-They should talk more slowly.

 a ) They talk too quickly.
 b ) They would like to talk more slowly.
 c ) They might have slower talks.
 d ) Talking is not fast.

 13-Mirana remembered to phone the doctor.

 a ) She remembered phoning the doctor.
 b ) Mirana forgot to remember to phone.
 c ) She didn't forget to phone the doctor.
 d ) She remembered that she phoned her.

 14- Madame Traiviey has lived nearly 115 years.

 a ) She was very old.
 b ) She is very old
 c ) She died when she was nearly 115.
 d ) Madame Traiviey has many more years.

 15- She can hardly see it.

 a ) She sees very hard.
 b ) She is hard with it.
 c ) She cannot see it very well.
 d ) It is hard to see her.

 16- Yeuk Yee had her house painted white yesterday.

 a ) She had to paint her house white yesterday.
 b ) Her house was not blue last week.
 c ) They painted her house white for her yesterday.
 d ) She painted her house yesterday.

 17- Either teacher knows the answer.

 a ) No teachers know the answer.
 b ) Both teachers know the answer.
 c ) All the teachers know the answer
 d ) Any teacher can answer.

 18- I'd rather be a millionaire.

 a ) I've been a millionaire.
 b ) I'd better be a millionaire.
 c ) I'd prefer to be a millionaire.
 d ) You have more millions than me.

 19- You don't have to do this test.

 a ) You can choose not to do this test.
 b ) You mustn't do it.
 c ) You can't do this test.
 d ) You have no desire to do it.

 20- If Muriel had come, she would have won.

 a ) If she hadn't won, she'd have come
 b ) Muriel didn't win because she didn't come.
 c ) When Muriel came she always won.
 d ) She didn't come, but she won anyway

21- Watch is used ……………… us time .

 a ) tell
 b ) to tell
 c ) telling
 d ) to telling 

22- Obese to fat , is like …………. to angry 

a ) aggressive
 b ) crazy
 c ) furious
 d ) calm 

23- A fortnight is ……………. 

a ) a video game 
b ) a two-week time 
c ) a 300 km distance 
d ) a 0.5 kg weight 

24- What was the reason …………… you made the accident ?

 a ) why
 b ) for
 c ) to
 d ) of

 25- Pre to Post , is like ancient to ………

 a ) antique
 b ) old
 c ) past
 d ) modern
 e ) moderate

01014330920سفير التفوق

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